Brand Specification and Procurement Software

Say Goodbye to Manual
Estimation, Specification, & Procurement

Thousands of users trust Fohlio to turn historical specification data into real project value.

See Fohlio in Action
Arched Mirror
Size: 60x90
Color: Black
Material: Metal
ui image
ui image
Used in 10 projects
Total 17 items
Total amount - 100K

Trusted by Industry Leaders: Over 100,000 Projects Managed Globally with Fohlio.

Achieve greater project heights

With Fohlio, you can

Lower purchasing costs

Identify pricing inefficiencies and secure better deals using historical spend data.

Open locations faster

Accelerate your projects with pre-made prototypes and precise budget estimates

Attract more partners

Present accurate ROI data when you have accurate project estimates

Enforce brand standards

Uphold quality in your projects when you ensure all your materials are compliant

Build prototypes and estimate faster

Be confident about your project specifications' accuracy

Compare suppliers easily

Compare quotes, suppliers, and lead times and see the best suppliers for your project

Aggregate data across projects

Order in bulk for multiple projects, managing budgets and resources efficiently with data oversight.

Eliminate problems from a messy process and create more project value.

Without Fohlio

  • Disjointed workflow
  • Duplicate efforts
  • Manual specifying
  • Getting stuck in the specification stage
  • No visibility on project stages

With Fohlio

  • Integrated workflows
  • Never start project from scratch again
  • Seamless handover across teams
  • Visibility on all stages
  • And more

Your success matters.

Work hand-in-hand with us to figure out the best solution for your team

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100% support
satisfaction rating
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24/7 hour support
Average support response
time is 10 minutes
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Use our 72+ support articles
for self-learning

Partners Who Trust’s Us

Shorter timelines for
hotel openings
Increased response time to supply chain disruption
Centralized all new development projects
Seamless collaboration
between internal teams